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Full Version: Error 0x019D015080042306
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on some machines with the v5.0 release this error appears after filesystem check and right at start of backup.

No error on those machines when going back to v5.0 beta 1.

No error on other machines with v5.0 release.
(12-27-2024, 02:37 AM)solip90 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

on some machines with the v5.0 release this error appears after filesystem check and right at start of backup.

No error on those machines when going back to v5.0 beta 1.

No error on other machines with v5.0 release.

To further analyze the issues, please click "[Image: memu_normal.png]" > "Save log file" to open the save log file dialog, save the log file and then send it to us via email at [email protected].

The system is a Windows Server 2019 standard edition.
Please try the latest fixed version:
Tried the different versions these days and today with v. 20241228 aka 5.0.2 it worked.

At first the job aborted and the error log showed error 0x80042306 again.

As this is a common error with VSS backups I went through a list of suggestions from the net. What made it work on this server was to re-configure VSS on the volume via explorer context menu. On/Off, change size, finally let it at unlimited for the system volume (has 8 shares).

Might have been leftovers from a previous installed acronis server edition. It uninstalled clean, but has been using VSS.
Thank you for the information.