Hasleo Software Forums

Full Version: Localization. Regional formatting independent of language
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No selection was made for either language or formatting in Macrium UI.
If Macrium can do it, I am sure Hasleo can do it too.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=546]

73 /Notko

PS. Sorry @admin. Had to go public because I couldn't include picture in private message.
Just remember... Macrium "does it" for $50/yr. Hasleo will deal with the issue in good time (they have their own internal priorities... and many other products to support).
(01-15-2025, 11:37 PM)Froggie Wrote: [ -> ]Just remember... Macrium "does it" for $50/yr. Hasleo will deal with the issue in good time (they have their own internal priorities... and many other products to support).

Thanks for buddy!
Do you have an idea what those priorities might be?
Not really a clue... but Macrium supports one single app (along with their Site Manager), and Hasleo supports 13 different apps (some with license, most FREE).  Their development group is small so they have to carefully schedule priorities based on different product needs.  I would suspect that their PAID products are looked at first according to need followed by their FREE products, of which HBS is one of them.
(01-15-2025, 09:59 PM)notko Wrote: [ -> ]No selection was made for either language or formatting in Macrium UI.
If Macrium can do it, I am sure Hasleo can do it too.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=546]

73 /Notko

PS. Sorry @admin. Had to go public because I couldn't include picture in private message.

The date/time format used in the current version is based on the language selected by the program. In the future, we will add an option to let you choose whether to use the date date/time set by the system or the one corresponding to the language selected.

Thanks to @Froggie. Yes, since HBS is free and it's the product we spend the most time on, we need revenue from other products to keep it going.
