When I try and create a Windows To Go Drive, I cannot ever select the system and boot partitions. It selects them for me and it's locked so that I cannot change it. I have tried MBR for BIOS, GPT for UEFI, and MBR for BIOS and UEFI. Nothing works. And the resulting drive is never bootable. What the heck?
My main goal is to install Windows to an SD card so that I can use it as a dual boot system in my latop which can only use 1.8" hard drives. 1.8" SSDs are hard to come by and overly expensive. My favorite SSD maker, Samsung does not make ANY 1.8s at all.
Thank you for reporting this problem. Please send the user.log file to us (via e-mail at:
[email protected]), the file is located in the bin folder under the installation directory, and we will resolve it as soon as possible.