(05-14-2020, 05:04 PM)Mydress84 Wrote: [ -> ]Same problem? Any idea?
Thank you for reporting this problem. Please send the user.log file to us (via e-mail at:
[email protected]), the user.log file is located in the bin folder under the installation directory, and we will resolve it as soon as possible.
And please tell us which options you used to create portable Windows.
Try an alternative to WinToUSB,such as Windows To Go Creator and Rufus.
They are excellent alternative tools when WinToUSB is not working.
About the problem of stuck at 95%, this is usually caused by an anti-virus software, so please temporarily deactivate your anti-virus software or add WinToUSB to the list of allowed applications (may be called Trusted Applications/Whitelisted applications) of your anti-virus software and try again. And please make sure you are using the administrator account to run WinToUSB.
If it still fails, please send us the user.log file located in the bin folder under the installation directory (via e-mail at:
[email protected]), and we will resolve it as soon as possible.
I have exactly the same problem and I sincerely hope that somebody will be able to help us.
(01-15-2021, 06:42 PM)Caniness Wrote: [ -> ]Try an alternative to WinToUSB,such as Windows To Go Creator and Rufus.
They are excellent alternative tools when WinToUSB is not working.
I heard about Rufus, not a bad option, thanks
but I would still like to understand what is wrong with WinToUSB
I am actually having the same issue, don't know how to fix it. Later on today when I back at my Munich home I will send user.log to the mentioned email above. Lets hope that there is a solution.