Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
For the user who has question when using Hasleo Backup Suite. Please do not post problem of other software here.
234 2,126 Quick questions
19 minutes ago
by esox07
Hasleo Disk Clone (Free Windows Migration and Disk/Partition Cloning Software)
For the user who has question when using Hasleo Disk Clone. Please do not post problem of other software here.
13 69 Failed to clone (System A...
1 hour ago
by Larsy
Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere (Encrypt Windows C: drive and data partitions, For Windows, Mac and Linux)
For the user who has question when using BitLocker Anywhere. Please do not post problem of other software here.
15 71 Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere...
12-11-2024, 11:03 PM
by admin
Hasleo Data Recovery & Hasleo BitLocker Data Recovery
For the user who has question when using Hasleo Data Recovery. Please do not post problem of other software here.
4 12 Data Recovery P;ro Licens...
12-09-2023, 01:21 PM
by admin
WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator)
For the user who has question when using WinToUSB. Please do not post problem of other software here.
479 2,160 WinToUSB Flaw.
02-06-2025, 03:35 PM
by admin
For the user who has question when using EasyUEFI. Please do not post problem of other software here.
47 187 Create a boot entry to bo...
Yesterday, 05:55 PM
by admin
For the user who has question when using WinToHDD. Please do not post problem of other software here.
50 204 question about cloning ti...
02-07-2025, 12:14 PM
by admin
Windows To Go Upgrader
For the user who has question when using Windows To Go Upgrader. Please do not post problem of other software here.
14 79 Failed to run system API....
Yesterday, 06:16 AM
by Larsy
Hasleo NTFS for Mac (Read & Write NTFS drives in macOS for free)
For the user who has question when using NTFS for Mac. Please do not post problem of other software here.
2 2 info on Mac FUSE and NTFS...
04-15-2022, 06:50 PM
by paolo

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