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What enhancements and improvements would you like us to do in the future upgrades?
(11-27-2016, 05:56 PM)happygolucky Wrote: Hi I like what you have done so far here is my suggestion:

Install option to make all future internal hard disks either a: non mountable or b: read only.
Why ? Kids....., (and other users with reckless computer practices) thats why.

By making any and all internal disks of whatever computers the portable windows is plugged into totally inaccessible this allows the computer owner peace of mind allowing other people to run portable windows on there computer.

Now the non auto-mounting of the current system is a good start but a much better solution would be making totally impossible , even for administrator level access.
(the reason it needs to block admin is the Kids these days know how to google search workarounds)

So yeah to summarise what appeals to me about portable windows is the "quarantine" potential.

Thank you very much for your suggestion. It is a good idea, the suggestion has been fed back to my development team and we will consider it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What enhancements and improvements would you like us to do in the future upgrades? - by admin - 11-29-2016, 09:20 PM

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