(01-04-2025, 09:57 PM)admin Wrote: Thank you for your reply. We will continue to try to reproduce and resolve the issue.
I took another test and excluded C:\Windows in my VM. Took around 3-4 minutes to finish, so this is about the same timespan that you mentioned in your tests. Looks good to me

(01-05-2025, 06:15 AM)gon Wrote: I can only run the program and wait to see what it does. And if it always shows 0% after 2 hours, then something is wrong. What exactly? I have no idea ...
So as I said, we have no longer excluded C:\Windows on all computers and it runs quickly and (from my point of view) without any problems. In any case, the logs (which can be called up via Tools > Logs) show no errors. Works for me, great.
Na dann passt ja alles, denke ich. C:\Windows ausschließen wäre ohnehin keine gute Idee, da solch eine Partition bzw. Windows nach einer Wiederherstellung nicht mehr lauffähig wäre.
Du könntest also nur einzelne Dateien aus dem Backup wiederherstellen, dann empfiehlt sich aber sowieso ein Datei-Backup, kein Backup der gesamten Partition.
-- English translation
Well then everything's all right, I guess. Excluding C:\Windows wouldn't be a good idea anyway, as such a partition or Windows itself would no longer be able to run after a restore.
So you could only restore individual files from the backup, but then a file backup is recommended anyway, not a backup of the entire partition.