Do it is possible to use the easyuefic.exe (command line) for changing the boot order but only by knowing the name of a entry (not the index).
>EasyUEFIC.exe --list-efi
# Name
0 : USB Memory
1 : Windows Boot Manager
3 : LAN
4 : Diagnostic Menu
5 : HDD Recovery
I want to place 3:LAN at the first. So i can use
> --top-efi --index 3
But i don't want to visually confirm the index number of LAN and it's is not always at Index:3. Hopefully, the name LAN is always the same.
So, do it's possible to use a command like
> --top-efi --name "LAN"
Or any workaround that do the same thing?
Ok, i know that it's a little bit ugly because in theory we can have multiple entry with the same name. But i can manage to have only 1 entry named "LAN", that's not a problem.
Thanks in advance and have a good day.
Sorry for my english.
(05-17-2017, 04:27 AM)ClockWise Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Do it is possible to use the easyuefic.exe (command line) for changing the boot order but only by knowing the name of a entry (not the index).
>EasyUEFIC.exe --list-efi
# Name
0 : USB Memory
1 : Windows Boot Manager
3 : LAN
4 : Diagnostic Menu
5 : HDD Recovery
I want to place 3:LAN at the first. So i can use
> --top-efi --index 3
But i don't want to visually confirm the index number of LAN and it's is not always at Index:3. Hopefully, the name LAN is always the same.
So, do it's possible to use a command like
> --top-efi --name "LAN"
Or any workaround that do the same thing?
Ok, i know that it's a little bit ugly because in theory we can have multiple entry with the same name. But i can manage to have only 1 entry named "LAN", that's not a problem.
Thanks in advance and have a good day.
Sorry for my english.
Technically there is no problem, the only problem is the duplicate name you have already pointed out.
Thank you for your suggestions, and we will consider adding it to EasyUEFI, thanks.
(05-17-2017, 11:10 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Technically there is no problem, the only problem is the duplicate name you have already pointed out.
Thank you for your suggestions, and we will consider adding it to EasyUEFI, thanks.
Hi admin,
thanks for the quick reply.
It' funny because when i wrote my post i was less thinking about adding a new function and more like creating a script that can interpret the "--list-efi" for extracting the index number from it. But i'm really glad to see that you are considering to add a official function to do the job. It will be more complet that any script i can create.
Thanks for the answer and have a nice day.
Sorry fo my english
just in case some one need that during the waiting time. I have made a powershell (version 5.0) for doing the job. (Sorry, i'm not a scripting expert, but it do the job)
Just change "LAN" for whatever you need as name. Take care of similar name, i'm not sure of the result (EX: LAN, LAN1, EtherLAN, ...)
###############PowerShell 5.0############
#Author ClockWise
#Date 17 may 2017
#Put the choosed name at the top list of the boot order. Need EasyUEFIC.exe installed at C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\
$entry_Name = 'LAN'
$input_path = New-TemporaryFile
& "C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\EasyUEFIC.exe" --list-efi >$input_path
$index_number=(Get-Content $input_path | Where-Object { $_.Contains($entry_Name) }).Substring(0,1)
& "C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\EasyUEFIC.exe" --top-efi --index $index_number
Remove-Item $input_path
(05-18-2017, 01:46 AM)ClockWise Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
just in case some one need that during the waiting time. I have made a powershell (version 5.0) for doing the job. (Sorry, i'm not a scripting expert, but it do the job)
Just change "LAN" for whatever you need as name. Take care of similar name, i'm not sure of the result (EX: LAN, LAN1, EtherLAN, ...)
###############PowerShell 5.0############
#Author ClockWise
#Date 17 may 2017
#Put the choosed name at the top list of the boot order. Need EasyUEFIC.exe installed at C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\
$entry_Name = 'LAN'
$input_path = New-TemporaryFile
& "C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\EasyUEFIC.exe" --list-efi >$input_path
$index_number=(Get-Content $input_path | Where-Object { $_.Contains($entry_Name) }).Substring(0,1)
& "C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\EasyUEFIC.exe" --top-efi --index $index_number
Remove-Item $input_path
EasyUEFI Version 3.0 has been released, now you can manipulate the UEFI boot entry with the name of the entry.