09-23-2019, 01:35 AM
tried several USB sticks and 3 different laptops (all WIN7 64 prof), clone
process runs fine till very end (though very very slow, on USB2.0 port).
but when i try to use the stick for booting (same original laptop or one
of the other ones), i get a black-only screen with an error mssg ''This
Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine'' (or the german version '' Die Echtheit
dieser Windows-Kopie wurde nicht bestÃĪtigt '').
in all cases, the original is certainly MS-certified, in two cases the actual
version sold with the laptop. checked and doublechecked.
would appreciate your or users opinion on this, and any workarounds
greets - henry
process runs fine till very end (though very very slow, on USB2.0 port).
but when i try to use the stick for booting (same original laptop or one
of the other ones), i get a black-only screen with an error mssg ''This
Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine'' (or the german version '' Die Echtheit
dieser Windows-Kopie wurde nicht bestÃĪtigt '').
in all cases, the original is certainly MS-certified, in two cases the actual
version sold with the laptop. checked and doublechecked.
would appreciate your or users opinion on this, and any workarounds
greets - henry