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What about implementing a global schedule with multiple tasks to prevent two tasks from running in parallel, while also avoiding long wait periods between one scheduled task and another?
(03-20-2024, 11:02 PM)maxhgm Wrote: [ -> ]What about implementing a global schedule with multiple tasks to prevent two tasks from running in parallel, while also avoiding long wait periods between one scheduled task and another?

HBS does not run tasks in parallel, it will only execute one backup task at a time, and it will execute the next task that should be executed as soon as the previous one finishes.

unfortunately I encountered a major problem today, I was unable to create a backup on my SanDisk (premium) USB Flash Drive, probably because of overheating after 20 GB or so. I know this is not the fault of Hasleo. But it would really be great if there were a PAUSE button so I can pause the transfer so the Drive can cool down.
I am going to try pausing the VM as a workaround. This works for me. But a pause button would be nice still because I cannot use the VM when it is paused.

I would also like to suggest a custom message that would appear in the log:

The operation completed successfully.

Custom message: Please remove external drive after backup for security reasons.
I can't take a screenshot by booting from under WinPE.
After booting into WinPE, I try to take a screenshot with four small, simple utilities guaranteed to work in other non-Hasleo WinPEs. I get the following result: the HBS window fades into the background, hides behind a blue screen saver and is not included in the screenshot, but other open windows like Notepad, NotePad2, Explorer++, IrfanView etc. are present in the screenshot.
Taking a screenshot using IPhone is a big wild thing, isn't it? Please solve this problem, because it is so easy, all you need to do is prevent the window from going to the background.
Plus, if the user can provide you with screen shots, it will help you improve the program.
If you need screenshot apps for your test, I will name them for you on your request, just let me know.
Thanks for the quick solution.
(03-21-2024, 08:42 PM)m.e. Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

unfortunately I encountered a major problem today, I was unable to create a backup on my SanDisk (premium) USB Flash Drive, probably because of overheating after 20 GB or so. I know this is not the fault of Hasleo. But it would really be great if there were a PAUSE button so I can pause the transfer so the Drive can cool down.
I am going to try pausing the VM as a workaround. This works for me. But a pause button would be nice still because I cannot use the VM when it is paused.

I would also like to suggest a custom message that would appear in the log:

The operation completed successfully.

Custom message: Please remove external drive after backup for security reasons.

I'll feed back your suggestions to our development team, thank you.
(03-25-2024, 12:11 AM)aldist Wrote: [ -> ]I can't take a screenshot by booting from under WinPE.
After booting into WinPE, I try to take a screenshot with four small, simple utilities guaranteed to work in other non-Hasleo WinPEs. I get the following result: the HBS window fades into the background, hides behind a blue screen saver and is not included in the screenshot, but other open windows like Notepad, NotePad2, Explorer++, IrfanView etc. are present in the screenshot.
Taking a screenshot using IPhone is a big wild thing, isn't it? Please solve this problem, because it is so easy, all you need to do is prevent the window from going to the background.
Plus, if the user can provide you with screen shots, it will help you improve the program.
If you need screenshot apps for your test, I will name them for you on your request, just let me know.
Thanks for the quick solution.

Well, we don't know what's causing the problem and we have other more important work to accomplish right now, so please let us know what screencasting software you use and we'll fix it in due course. Thanks.
(03-25-2024, 04:17 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]please let us know what screencasting software you use and we'll fix it in due course. Thanks.

Done, I have sent this information to you in a PM.
(03-25-2024, 05:02 PM)aldist Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-25-2024, 04:17 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]please let us know what screencasting software you use and we'll fix it in due course. Thanks.

Done, I have sent this information to you in a PM.

Okay, thank you very much.

Is there any way to manually set the network card on the rescue medium?
I couldn't find this function and it would actually make a lot of sense
(04-01-2024, 09:13 PM)sugram Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

Is there any way to manually set the network card on the rescue medium?
I couldn't find this function and it would actually make a lot of sense

The rescue medium is based on WinPE, we know that WinPE is a stripped-down version of the Windows operating system, so its ability to access the network is limited, especially through the wireless network card. There is a program PENetwork in the Program Files directory of WinPE (X:\Program Files), PENetwork can be used to configure the network in WinPE (you may need to manually install the driver for the wireless card), it is a third party program so we do not guarantee that it will work 100%.
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