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  BIOS Boot information?
Posted by: iamthekings - 03-04-2023, 02:29 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (3)

To avoid having to press a function key, to direct the boot to my USB device, I need to know what folder/file to point the boot process to in BIOS setup. 

I added a boot option, pointing it to the USB device. 

BIOS then asks me to select the media file, listing the folders and files it can see at that location.
I have not yet selected a folder as the target, so I am not sure doing so will not result in another selection to make from the contents of the (yet-to-be) selected folder. 

The list of options are: (See attachment)
<System Volume Information> (Folder)
<Boot> (Folder)
<EFI> (Folder)
<$RECYCLE.BIN> (understood as not a valid option)
bootmgr (File)
D519D51B______fill in the blank with tons of characters______.exc (File)

I greatly appreciate any assistance!

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  Clone WinToTUsb drive
Posted by: Asphodelus - 02-04-2023, 11:54 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

Hello everyone,

I have 2 SSD hard drives (500GB and 1TB) with windows (one for programming, one for music creation)
It has already happened to me that one of them crashes, impossible to repair it with the windows tools at startup (so I was forgotten to reinstall EVERYTHING, it took me a long time)
So, I had done a test by cloning one of the SSD disks on another SSD (with EaseUS), but impossible to boot the disk where the backup was (windows error before its launch, blue screen if I remember correctly)

What solution do I have? How can I back up my 2 hard drives properly?
The ideal would be to have a 2TB backup hard drive by making a 500GB partition for the backup of disk 1 and another of 1TB for disk 2 Smile
and...if ever one of my SSD crashes, recover the backup on a partition of my backup HD to re-clone on my bootable SSD

Thank you in advance for your help!

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  2 system on 2 sdd drives - "GET PERMISSION on folders" problems
Posted by: shadtal - 01-17-2023, 06:06 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

hello guys.
i have 2 different sdd drives with 2 system installed.
When change from one system to other one, The current OS is "taking over" some folders on the data drive (DSmile that causes some problems when i change to the other system (like the cloud app having problems to sync files from these folders)

is there anyway i can so this taking overs between 2 systems and make peace between them?

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  cannot use Hasleo WinToUSB with screen readers
Posted by: MesterPerfect - 11-26-2022, 10:47 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (2)

good morning
I am a blind user and was thinking of purchasing Hasleo WinToUSB for my work
However, I can't use Hasleo WinToUSB with 'nvda, jaws, narrator' screen readers.
After a programmatic analysis of the problem, I found that WinToUSB
was designed by qt5 Widget
This pattern is not compatible at all and cannot be used with screen readers
So, could you please recreate the GUI of the program with accessibility in mind
Here are some guidelines and you can find more

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  place WinToUsb ssd into pc?
Posted by: FreeDuck - 11-02-2022, 01:28 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

Hi There,
As first I like to thank WinToUsb creators for the wonderful software.

I like to ask a question:
I have made a bootable WinToUsb of Windows 10 to an ssd harddisk through an USB connector. It works as expected and I love it.
I like to place this ssd into a pc and connect it with sata cable, just like an ordinary harddisk. 
Will this installation work through sata connection just like it do through USB connection?
Or will it not boot at all?
If this works it will save me time reinstalling a pc...
Thank you in advance for your answer(s),


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  Issue creating a Windows 11 installation USB drive that can bypass Windows 11 22H2 (2
Posted by: bacevs - 10-04-2022, 10:36 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (2)

I've followed the guide as provided here to create a Windows 11 installation USB drive that can bypass Windows 11 system requirements: 


However, it doesn't seem to be working as the screenshot below is showing.

[Image: fJ0Xu23.jpg]

I'm using the following windows ISO build:
Quote:Windows 11 [22H2] [22621.525]

And the following build of WinToUSB:
Quote:WinToUSB Version 7.1.2

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  After booting my WinToUSB drive, there are two drives mounted
Posted by: ziggurism - 09-08-2022, 03:39 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (3)

I set up a WinToUSB drive running Windows 11 home. After booting my system from this USB drive, my windows system shows both a C drive and D drive, both labeled WinToUSB. It looks like the D drive is a separate partition with a disk image on it. Maybe that disk image is mounted as the C drive? I'm not sure. The C drive has only about half the storage available, 128 GB, while the D drive appears to have the full 238 GB.

Can I get rid of this? Can I have a single boot drive, with all the storage available, as a single C drive?

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  Having trouble
Posted by: WizeGuy - 08-28-2022, 05:58 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

Hello. I am trying to make a windows to go USB for another pc. I keep getting an error code. The USB is an ONN. 32gb flash drive. 
The error code is "The system cannot write to the specified device. (0x000000630848002F)" 
Can someone help me fix this?

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  W10 original doesn't start after wintousb use
Posted by: martin.gale - 08-18-2022, 03:57 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

I cloned my w10 on a usb drive withouth  problem usi ng the automatic wintousb shutdown after cloning .  Then, I intent to start  on the usb drive..it works. I shutdowned again and rebooted on my internal drive.....no boot sector. I intended to repair the boot with w10 DVD.. it doesn't work. I don't know what can I do now. ..

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  Windows 7 BSoD on boot
Posted by: VyZi - 07-27-2022, 09:16 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (12)


I have a problem with my Windows 7 installation

After WinToUSB successfully completed the installation I have decided to boot from it, when Windows was starting the animation stopped as if Windows has fully loaded up, however after this the system blue screened with no error code and with the stop code of 0x0000007B

When trying to run safe mode, Windows seems to load all of the drivers correctly then freeze for a few seconds and throw the same blue screen

Enabling boot logging doesn't create ntbtlog.txt for some reason

I have made sure the USB stick is 2.0 and is inserted into a USB 2.0 port, and I have slipstreamed USB 3.0 drivers that worked on a regular installation

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