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Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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Change Backup target
Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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10-03-2024, 08:40 PM
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Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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09-25-2024, 11:44 PM
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Rebuild MBR
Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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09-25-2024, 11:29 PM
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Hasleo Backup Suite V4.9....
Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
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09-24-2024, 11:18 PM
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4.92 E-Mail wrong encodin...
Forum: Hasleo Backup Suite (Free Windows Backup & Restore Software)
Last Post: admin
09-14-2024, 12:21 PM
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  USB Driver change by Windows 7 SP1 Update
Posted by: itatang - 11-11-2014, 11:48 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

I prepare the Windows 7 on USB drive and it work perfectly until I have update the OS from Windows Update to SP1.

I try to bypass the SP1 update by installing Windows 7 to a internal drive and update it to SP1. Afterwards, I create a WIM image for the internal drive. Using the WIM file, I create a USB drive again with WinToUSB and it works again.

I think that the driver for usb boot may be corrupted by the SP1.

Can we update the registry or repair the WinToUSB driver whenever the USB drive is destroyed by the update in the further avoiding to start the process of create USB drive from the starting again.

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  Can I install Windows 7 ultimate on a usb drve?
Posted by: Albert1007 - 11-05-2014, 03:46 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (2)

Hello, I have bought a sandisk extreme pro usb 3.0 with 128 GB
Can i install windows 7 live on it?

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  may explain some architectural concepts ?
Posted by: zled - 11-02-2014, 07:44 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - No Replies

I work as an IT manager in ARTEA - Italy (government agricultural paying agency of CEE structural funds).

Your product is the best that i found on the internet. It's extremely interesting for troubleshhooting on a PC using an clear and not infected windows operative system. May you explain some concepts about the architecture of WintoUsb ? I am sure that all the people using it like me will appreciate for Learning purpouse about the argument!

Kinds regards

Leonardo Danza

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  multiple boot usb stick
Posted by: darkfritz2 - 10-30-2014, 01:13 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (3)


just wondering if it's somehow possible to put on a single USB stick Win 7, Win 8 and Linux live on the same USB stick and through a bootloader i can select which one i want to boot.

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  Possible to upgrade Windows Technical Preview?
Posted by: Sybok - 10-29-2014, 06:45 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)


Is there any chance to upgrade the Windows Technical Preview to the latest preview version if using a Windows-To-Go USB drive created by WinToUSB? I'm asking because the default upgrade mechanism in Windows Technical Preview doesn't work for me. Instead, Windows keeps telling me that it can't install to a USB drive when I try to install the newest preview. If, however, you have to do a complete reinstall for every new version of the preview, the whole idea of installing the technical preview to a USB drive seems rather pointless to me.

Any ideas?

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  wintousb and windows 8 certified usb sticks
Posted by: danskeman - 10-28-2014, 11:02 PM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)

Windows 8 certified USB sticks are different to normal USB sticks as they have the "fixed" rather than "removable" drive status set.

This is so Windows 8 Enterprise can create Windows 8 to Go on a (certified) USB stick.

I guess in theory, Wintousb should be able to create a 64 bit UEFI based (windows 8/8.1 or 10 preview) usb setup with a (fixed status) usb stick. We know it cannot do this for normal (removable status) usb sticks.

However, Windows 8 certified usb sticks are pricey, and I was wondering if anybody has tried using Wintousb with such a stick (before I decide to invest in one),

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  USB 3 Issue with EUFI installation
Posted by: danskeman - 10-25-2014, 01:51 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (1)


I have successfully installed Windows 10 Technical preview (64 bit) on a 100 GB external hard disk (GPT formatted etc), for booting on a 64bit Sony Vaio with EUFI booting.

I have set my eufi/bios to boot fom USB,and the hard disk boots perfectly when plugged into a USB2 port, but fails when using a USB3 port.
As the pc boots up, it ignores (or faisl to detect) the hard drive properly and then just boots up into normal windows in the pCs internal hard disk.

However, if I try and boot from a USB3 boot pendrive for another program (Macrium Reflect), the PC boots up fine, so I know the USB3 port is fine, and the PC can boot from it.

I suspect that the USB3 drivers are not being properly installed by wintousb, or being picked up from windows 10.

Any ideas/suggestions?

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  Error "Copy file failed.(0x0000008000B40000)" when trying to create a USB
Posted by: Sanoo - 10-21-2014, 12:01 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (6)


I wanted to install Windows on an USB drive so that I can use it on different computers. I heard about WinToUSB and gave it a try. At seventy five percent (with four retries) I get an error "Copy file failed.(0x0000008000B40000)". I am using Windows 7 Home Premium, trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate onto a Kingston DataTraveller 3.0 (USB 3.0).

What can I do? I tried three times.

I appreciate any help.

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  WintoUSB stuck at 0% when installing windows 7 professional 32 bit
Posted by: bohfriggundy - 10-20-2014, 10:05 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (2)

Hello, whenever I try to install windows 7 professional (32 bit) to my 32gb usb drive, It gets stuck at 0%. is there any way to fix this? I am using version 1.5.

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  WinToUSB does not install Windows 7 on USB hardDrive
Posted by: toto - 10-11-2014, 06:38 AM - Forum: WinToUSB (Best Windows To Go Creator) - Replies (4)

I try to Install W7 on a USB harddrive.
Steps 1 to 7 from your guide work perfectly.
After selecting the main partition from my device, when I press Next, nothing happens. In fact WinToUSB is closed, without any visible message.
My Iso is Windows 7 Ultimate French edition, downloaded from Microsoft.
My harddrive is empty, with NTFS fresh formatted active partition. Connected through a USB3.0 port. (I understood to use W7 I will then have to boot from USB2, but I presume the install can be done through USB3)

Any Idea about the root cause?

Attached a copy of my User.Log :
.pdf   UserLog.pdf (Size: 116.49 KB / Downloads: 2)
There is also a crash.dmp file, but I didn't find how to include it here

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