How to restore an EFI System Partition?

Updated on August 14, 2023 by Admin to EFI System Partition management

If you have made a backup of an EFI system partition, you can restore the EFI system partition from the backup when the EFI system partition becomes corrupted. This guide mainly talks about how to restore the EFI system partition with EasyUEFI.


Tutorial to restore an EFI System Partition with EasyUEFI.

Step 1. Run EasyUEFI as administrator, then click the 'Manage EFI System Partition' button.

Step 2. Click the 'Restore EFI System Partition' button.

Step 3. Click the "Browse" button and select the EFI system partition (ESP) backup file, then select the partition where you want to restore in the disk/partition list

Select EFI System Partition To Restore

Step 4. Click the "Restore" button to restore the partition.

